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Missing application web.xml

2006年04月8日 留下评论 Go to comments
今天终于终于再网上发现了一直以来无法解决的一个问题的原因,Eclipse在启动Apache Tomcat的Server的时候,经常会出现以下的一个错误:
2006-4-9 10:17:23 org.apache.catalina.startup.ContextConfig applicationWebConfig
信息: Missing application web.xml, using defaults only StandardEngine[Catalina].StandardHost[localhost].StandardContext[]
原来其实是Eclipse的一个Bug而已:Bugzilla Bug 110954
I’ll fix this in the 1.0 release.  For now the error the error may be ignored.  Or, in the mean time, you can add a web.xml with the contents "<web-app></web-app>" to the ".metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.wst.server.core\tmp?\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF" folder in your workspace.  Replace the "?" in "tmp?" with the appropriate number.  This is enough to make the error go away.
To state the issue more clearly:
Until fixed, Tomcat 4.x and 5.x servers with "Run modules directly from the workspace…" checked will always output a line like the following into the console log:
INFO: Missing application web.xml, using defaults only StandardEngine[Catalina].StandardHost[localhost].StandardContext[]
Note there is no text within the "[]" that follows StandardContext.  This means that it applies to the default context, i.e. the one named ROOT and thus whose context path is "".  For this to apply to a web application added to the server, the context path for the web application would appear within the "[]".
I would guess that your error message has "StandardContext[]" and is not a symptom of your webapp breaking, even though it may be the only problem you see present in the console log.  You may need check the ".metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.wst.server.core\tmp?\logs" directory to see if there are other problems listed in log files there.
  1. Unknown
    2006年12月22日 3:55 上午


  2. Jet
    2006年12月26日 10:18 上午


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